
guilty in my view from his very unorthodox and unconventional behaviour, quite apart from any sexual connotation. I do agree with the Editor in judging TVism as an entity behaviour all by itself, but 2 things stamp the TV guilty in my eyes. (1) The hoax of his masquerade if he enters society, and (2) the implication (only) of homosexuality.

It is in my opinion this very social disharmony to the expected role that makes highly sensitive and psychologically potent males FEEL THE IMPACT, AND PERCEIVE THE NUANCES OF THE 5 MOTIVATIONS LISTED,

I throw it all back to childhood, toss in my threads of enthusiasm about female qualities, then come forward to adol- escence and puberty and show how this conflict to the expected role of men is contested and sublimated and re-directed into channels of symbolism with the attempt to unify with the fe- male via the socialogical intimacy of her attire and qualit- ies that accompany the masquerade.

1. His motives are meaningless without a highly perceptive psychological makeup.




The same makeup is impressionable to the threads of en- thusiasm of things feminine all through the growing up process

I can't see any gain in separating the 5 motives because they are not distinctly separable---they intertwine and cross-lace in highly sensitive men.

Motivation #3--the join up--is the crux of the whole thing, and the reason it's not on a sexual level is, as I state, in the disharmony with the expected role. NEVERTHELESS I HOLD TVISM TO BE SEXUALLY MOTIVATED BY BYPASSING BIOLOGICAL UNION AND SUBLIMATING TO THE SOC IOLOGICAL-PSYCHOLOGICAL SYMBOLISM -

Motive #1 on pg. 58 is no criterion. Normal man has adapted himself to the patriarchal dignity of his austere, religiously justified image of authoritative and dominant leadership....not only separately as a sex but besides being positive he represents the species. Women are negative. This disharmony I feel would not persist if TVs would realize that girls have every right to be either aggressive or pass-